Diam vel quam elementum


Q: Will there be PvP?
A: There are no plans for PvP.

Q: What is the size of the team?
A: We have 7 members on our team.

Q: How much will the game cost on release?
A: Were aiming for a price-point of 20-30 USD.

Q: Will there be more guns / maps / missions?
A: Yes! Our top priority right now is to get the foundation of the game to be robust and polished. Eventually, more resources will be placed into the addition of content.

Q: Will there be Mod Support? 
A: Right now, there are no plans for an SDK… we like the idea.

Q: When will online co-op be released?
A: While we cannot promise a date yet, we would like to release it in Q2 of 2023.

Q: How do I support the project?
A: We always appreciate feedback and bug reports which can be submitted in our discord. We also have a Patreon where we exchange exclusive access for financial support : https://www.patreon.com/projectquarantine